Tuesday 7 February 2017

Why two stroke engines are banned whereas they give more power than the four stroke engines

Technically, two stroke engines complete its one power stoke in each revolution of crank shaft and four stroke engine complete one power stroke in every two revolution. That means the two stroke engine produces more power than the four stroke engine as per crankshaft moves. Two-stroke engines have the potential to produce  twice power of  same size four stoke engines  because there are twice as many power strokes per revolution. Two-stroke engines do not have valves which simplify their construction, Two-stroke engines are lighter, and cost less to manufactures compare to four stoke engines
However four stoke engines are mostly used in automobiles other than the two stoke engine. Its just because of some advantages of four stroke engine over two stoke engines. The main reason the two stroke engines are eliminated from automobiles is pollution .Yes pollution is major factor, because two stroke engines produce the more pollution as compare to four stroke engines. As we all know the exhaust gases produced by automobile is also a big factor in polluting the environment. The exhaust gases produced by engines are hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, NOx, carbon dioxides. Exhaust of hydrocarbons was excess from the two stroke engines. They are not successful in variable speeds in high speeds they produce very much mount of unborn fuels which is very harmful for everybody living in environment.
There are some other points also like fuel consumption, thermal efficiency ,maintenance  , noise ,cooling are responsible for twilight of two stroke engines. Because of high heat release, cooling of two stroke engines is also a big challenge. It also consumes more coolant and lubrication oils . because power stoke in every revolution of crank shaft  ,very less time is left for cooling of engine. Very less time is there for escape of exhaust gases that’s why it produces more noise.
Because of less moving parts in two stoke engine there are less mechanical and thermal losses as compare to four stoke engines. If theoretically we think less moving parts are there so less maintenance is require to two stroke engines. But practically more maintenance is require to two stoke engine because of high amount of heat release which affect all the other systems of the engine.

Two stroke engines have more disadvantages over advantages. so they are completely eliminated from automobiles . Because of environmental concern so many ultimatum are given by governments to Ban it.

Wants to know stages of a car development: From concept to production

We all know this decade is of automobiles, we see so many cars around day by day with new design. Very competitive market of automobiles, every time with new designs philosophy.
Today in automobile industry design is most important thing; car should reflect something special in its look. Wants to know how designers put these emotions in a car. How a jaguar car have emotions of a jaguar. So let’s read.

At first stage it is decided to make a car with defined segment i.e.SUV, MUV, Sedan etc. Then designers starts working, they have to do so much research on design to collect so much data like pictures, things related to their concept to make a Mood Board. Mood board is the first collection of Feels what they want to reflect in a car. Like SUV’s have sporty feel, Hyundai Verna is fully fluidic.

Designers starts working on sketches based upon the mood boards. Car designers are like artists they have a wonderful imagination power.  They can feel so much things and can converts all thoughts in a car sketch. In first stage, when they are starting with zero they have to make hundreds of sketches. After a big discussion of the team they select sketch. The selected sketch is the outcome which they were searching for. It takes a long time.
         Now, time to move on from 2D sketch to 3D model. Now team wants to see their thoughts in to 3d form. This big responsibility is performed by clay modelers. Clay modelers works on selected sketches and with a big effort produce the first 3D proto model of a car. Based upon feed backs of the team the model is further modified. Proto may have exterior and interior combined or separate models for both. This model is just to have the feel of car interior and exterior. Now the first proto model is ready it looks like a car but … still we cannot drive it.

     Team makes the CAD data of the model. Based up on that data, engineering team work on it.  Responsibilities are divided for every part of the car. They discuss on material, process and each and every thing which are required to make the parts. So many works are done parallel like engine development and testing, Body development and material testing and R&D on each part of car. It’s a big team work.

Before mass production of the model, some proto models are manufactured for the testing purpose. This all is done to eliminate all the defects from all systems of a car to make a safe car.              It has to pass so many tough tests. To achieve international quality standards, Car is tested in every tough condition. In bumpy, dusty, rainy, twisted and hilly road condition, because at least it has to run on these roads.
Crash test’ is also one of them. Every car has to fulfill some safety standards for the consumer’s safety. In this test, accident like forces are applied and vehicle is tested under impact forces, human dummy is used to analyses the results of the accidental conditions on driver and passengers. Based upon the data of the test, design and materials are modified to achieve the results. Consumer’s safety is on priority for car manufacturers.  

Car is tested under every actual condition. To check the performance of car it is tested for thousands of hours to make sure its reliability. For reliability and life of every part all parts are tested under repeated cycles for long durations.
After all the testing and quality controls procedures, we have standards now we can produce the parts in mass production; means car is ready for production and deliver to customers. it is very passionate work and output of  brilliant brains.
The all process from concept to production takes a long time, for a normal production car time requires may be 3 to 4 years. With time, development of vehicles also requires huge investment of money and so many BRAINS. 


Forward engineering and reverse engineering are two types of engineering on a higher level. Forward engineering is general used method to make any product. It may start with paper drawings and other technical and physical details to develop any product for market.
Reverse engineering is method gathering information from anything made by man or nature for duplicating product. Reverse engineering is also to disassemble the machines to know how they work. It is use to understand the operation of any machine from end to start.RE is very common in automotive, mechanical, electrical and other engineeringespecially in product research and development. On first stage designers extract the product information from clay, wood, plaster model which was the first idea to design the product. They capture this data in to CAD which is manufacturing requirement of product. Every manufacturer buys some new product of their competitor to dissemble and collect information from reviews for their engineers for design and manufacturing. They also copy some standard processes for manufacturing and design for their product. It’s also to copy some features of products.
It’s a very important process in high investment product development. There are some quick part manufacturing processes for research purpose like RPT (rapid prototyping) which need not any die and casting steps. Very basic CAD data is required for it which is needed to feed in machine. RE reduce the time in product development. Every product manufacturer always searches the way to short the development time.
It also understands everything present to past. Like when we start to read the history of anything we starts from today to its past. It’s human nature. It starts from childhood when we want to know how the car toy runs and we starts to dissemble the toy to know its working.  
 All engineering study is RE process of learning, in which everything is learned by dissembling and assembling the subject. To understand the every subject we have to perform these practical in lab
Reverse engineering is very important tool in product development. Technically RE is used to for making the similar product with differences. Almost every manufacturer use RE for developing their products.